Week  7  -  Term  3  -  2020

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We are so happy to be welcoming all our students and staff back to school this week.  

 Our health and safety plan is in place as it has been under every alert level, and you can be assured we’ll continue doing everything we can to keep all our children safe.

At home, please continue with good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, appropriate physical distancing when out and about and please be sure to  keep your child home if they are sick.

kia ora

Face coverings are another way we can help keep ourselves and others safe. Our Prime Minister has announced that face coverings will be required on public transport from this week, at Alert Level 2 and above. This does not apply to any child who is under 12 years of age and does not apply to school transport.

Public Health officials have advised that children under the age of 6 should not wear face coverings. 

Children and young people do not need to wear face coverings at school. Other public health control measures are in place including children and staff staying home if they are sick, contact tracing, and hygiene requirements.

If your child doesn’t need to wear a face covering but they want to, that’s fine.

We’re continuing contact tracing by having QR code posters at our entrances, so please check in every time you come onsite. 

If you haven’t already downloaded the NZ COVID Tracer app the Ministry of Health’s website has information to help you do that. We’ll also keep a visitor register for anyone who doesn’t have the app, and also for anyone who comes onsite for a period of time. This will help us with contact tracing in the unlikely case it is needed.

For more information about public health measures at Alert Level 2 you can visit the COVID-19 website, and if you have any questions about next week please get in touch.

All By Myself
Welcome Back

During Lockdown I invited staff to send me two video clips of themselves. One showing how sad and lonely they were feeling without their lovely children to work with. 

The second one was a Welcome Back clip showing how excited they were feeling to be welcoming our wonderful children back to school.

I made them into two movies - hope you enjoy them.


No Calendar at present - updated when we know more about Levels


 Zone Cross Country has been CANCELLED.

 Te Hana Marae trip for our Kapa Haka Ropu is CANCELLED.

At this point in time the Tough Gal / Tough Guy Challenge IS going ahead. This could change but for now it is ON.

No Whanau Times in our Hall this term - maybe some Live-Streamed events though.


Answers to Some Common Questions:

What are the rules for gatherings?

For most day to day activities at schools, the rules for gatherings do not apply. Under the COVID-19 Public Health Response Order, schools are exempted from physical distancing requirements when people are there to receive, provide, or support education services.

Other health measures must however be in place including appropriate physical distancing (at Alert Level 2 for students - not touching each other and giving some breathing space; for adults 1 metre from other adults when practicable), hand washing, staying away if sick, contact tracing systems and regularly cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces.

Other students and staff can come onsite for learning purposes such as out of hours music and art programmes, and technology centres (as they are there for education reasons).

However as soon as your event or activity brings people onsite who are not there for education purposes, including students, parents and caregivers, then the rules for gatherings do apply. This would include performances such as school plays, cultural events and sporting activities.

Requirements for gatherings at Alert Level 2:

• gatherings must have no more than 10 people in each defined space in Auckland

• keep high hygiene standards

• keeping a physical distance from people you don’t know remains important. If you can't maintain physical distance from people you don't know (recommended 1 metre where practical), participants could consider wearing a face covering

• contact tracing must be in place (display QR code posters).

• no one should participate if they have COVID-19 symptoms or if they need to be in isolation for any reason.


Other Questions or Concerns?

Adele, Teresa and I are available for you to contact if there is any way we can help 

macash@mac.com    adelen@westernheights.school.nz    teresah@westernheights.school.nz

021779009                     02102453906

Our doors are (always) [usually] open - except under Level Two. You can still call, email or text though - we are here to help, even if that is only to provide a listening ear.


Level Two Notices and Information


Things have to be a bit different under Level Two. We really appreciate your understanding, support and cooperation - we really do have an awesome parent community!


Drinking Fountains are closed under Alert Level 2 - please send a drink bottle with WATER to school with your child. Thanks.


Returning to school

Every day a young person attends school matters because it:

• increases their ability to achieve

• provides an important emotional and support network for them, with their friends and classmates

• keeps them engaged in learning

• gives them direct contact with their teachers

• is an environment where the focus is on their safety, wellbeing and learning

• helps them feel more comfortable transitioning throughout their schooling journey

• is not just now but their future that counts.


Please Be Assured: 

We will do everything we can to ensure our school is clean and safe for your child’s return. We have ample supplies of sanitiser and plenty of soap and warm water. We will be keeping classes in bubbles and encouraging children to social distance within reason in the playground.

We will continue to encourage safe coughing and sneezing, and ensuring children who are unwell are not at school.

If you have any worries please call either myself on 021779009 or DP Adele on 02102453906.


Harper Helps Out During Lockdown:


Harper and his family were busy in Lockdown getting their gardens ready for summer vege planting. Some seeds we planted recently have started popping up. 

They also helped a local family last week by making a food parcel and some treats. 





If you double park in our Drop Off Zone you must stay in your car. 

Do NOT Lock and Leave your car when double parked please.


One of the best solutions to our Drop Off Zone congestion is to park nearby and walk up to collect your children. Talia Scott on our Board of Trustees parks on Summerland Drive near the roundabout and walks a couple of hundred metres to collect her children. She has a little baby but manages this with no problems. I really do think we could make much better use of surrounding areas and be a little more active.

Talia has listed a few good parking spots - as shown on the map below. One easily missed one is there is a walkway opposite our main entrance that leads to Midhurst. This is a great spot to park and easy for children to walk to.

As we continue to grow, parking and managing collecting and drop off of children is becoming a bigger and bigger challenge. We have some plans in mind and will be liaising with Auckland Council and the Ministry of Education. More on this soon.


Scholastic book orders due 11 August. Thanks


This Week’s Humour:


Thought you might like this from the States.

A lot of people in certain parts of the USA are protesting that their freedom and Constitutional Rights are being stolen from them if they are told to wear a mask.

I thought this was a clever response.


Ash Maindonald



Have a great week. 

Stay Safe and Be Kind.

Thank you for supporting our awesome school and wonderful teachers.



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