td-net Newsletter

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Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net)

Newsletter no. 2

February 2020


News from td-net


Innovative open online course on principles, processes and applications of transdisciplinarity


Together with seven universities and institutes of higher education, and the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries, td-net coordinated and co-produced the first massive open online course (MOOC) on transdisciplinary research.

The course starts on 30 March 2020 and presents transdisciplinary research as a living experience. Take the opportunity, the course inscription is open now and free. More


Transdisciplinary research for a sustainable Europe


Global challenges are wicked problems with high uncertainties and value conflicts. A Science Briefing jointly organised by SwissCore, the Mission of Switzerland and the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences on 5 February aimed at inspiring the European R&I community with successful examples of transdisciplinary research towards sustainable solutions from Switzerland, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Sweden. The meeting report is now online. More


Gesucht: Junge motivierte Nachwuchsforschende!


Die Junge Akademie Schweiz bietet Nachwuchsforschenden die Möglichkeit, inter- und transdisziplinäre Projekte durchzuführen. Die Mitglieder streben die frühzeitige Identifizierung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen an, bieten Lösungen und fördern den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Weiter


Letzte Projektausschreibung U Change


Noch bis Ende Februar können Studierendenprojekte bei U Change eingereicht werden. Dies ist die letzte Gelegenheit, vom aktuellen Förderprogramm Unterstützung zu erhalten! Weiter


New events




Art of Participatory Leadership


Workshop, Geneva ❯❯




Wege transformativer Forschung


Symposium, Darmstadt ❯❯






Conference, Portland ❯❯




Wir­kungs­ori­en­tier­te For­schung för­dern, er­fas­sen, an­er­ken­nen. Wer braucht was wo­für?


Midterm-Veranstaltung, Universität Kassel ❯❯




Klinische Ethik in der Schweiz


Vernetzungsanlass, Inselspital Bern ❯❯




INSciTS 2020 - Building the knowledge base for effective team science


Conference, Durham ❯❯




Inter- und transdisziplinäre Lehrveranstaltungen planen


Hochschuldidaktik-Workshop, Bonn ❯❯


News from the community


New guidelines to conflict sensitive research


Doing research in conflict contexts is crucial. But how do you best conduct research in conflict-affected contexts? These guidelines are designed for all levels of researchers – from research student to professor – who conduct research in settings that are conflict-affected.

Applying conflict sensitivity to research highlights that, regardless of subject matter and methodology, research is always part of the context in which it takes place. In conflict contexts, where tensions are high, power dynamics are extreme and the security situation is opaque, the presence of international researchers and the ‘extraction’ of information can be very sensitive. More


Requirements for true transdisciplinary research collaboration and a guiding framework


Are you interested in how to make power relations more equal in transdisciplinary research by decentering academia through critical unlearning? Or a guiding framework for transdisciplinary action research? How about facilitating serendipity? You can also find out more about how resilience can benefit from planning, how unknown unknowns aid creativity, and how theory U can help embrace unknown unknowns. More


A tool for planning change and updated tools for change management


The January/February i2S News is out, featuring a tool for planning change, updated tools for change management and expert judgment for risk analysis, the International Journal of General Systems, the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Society, as well as the Evidence & Implementation Summit 2020, 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, and Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research 15th Annual Conference. More




Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research




Belcher, B. et al. (2020)


A refined method for theory-based evaluation of the societal impacts of research




Bornemann, B., Christen, M. (2020)


Navigating between Complexity and Control in Transdisciplinary Problem Framing. Meaning Making as an Approach to Reflexive Integration




Lam, D. et al. (2020)


Indigenous and local knowledge in sustainability transformations research: a literature review




Lam, D. et al. (2019)


Three principles for co-designing sustainability intervention strategies: Experiences from Southern Transylvania




Meyer, E., Peukert, D. (2020)


Designing a Transformative Epistemology of the Problematic: A Perspective for Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research






SESYNC: Proposals for interdisciplinary team-based research


The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) brings together diverse groups in new, interdisciplinary collaborations to identify solutions to society’s most challenging and complex environmental problems. SESYNC announces its Spring 2020 Request for Proposals. More


Lisbon Early-Career Workshop in Urban Studies


The Urban Transitions Hub and the AESOP Young Academics Network are happy to open the call for papers for the Lisbon Early-Career Workshop in Urban Studies. PhD students and early-career scholars will have the opportunity to present and discuss their research projects and/or findingsMore


International Conference on knowledge and being


The conference is an investigation into how knowledge production, with its potential loss of personal, national and cultural identities, might be created and practised through institutions of higher education. More


Research and innovation for sustainable development


SDC is looking for promising research and innovation initiatives, which engage researchers from Switzerland and from the Global South and East and implementation partners from other sectors. 

The r4d programme has been supporting transdisciplinary research in order to increase the relevance of research and facilitate the dissemination and utilisation of results. More


Ausschreibung #ConnectingMinds startet 


Das transdisziplinäre Förderungsprogramm des österreichischen Wissenschaftsfonds zielt darauf ab, auch wissenschaftsferne Akteurinnen und Akteure in ein Forschungsprojekt einzubinden. Gefördert werden Teams, die wissenschaftliches und gesellschaftliches Wissen verbinden, um den anstehenden sozialen, technologischen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden. Weiter


Jobs and fellowships


WissenschaftlicheR MitarbeiterIn für sozialwissenschaftlich Untersuchungen


Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie, Zürich-Flughafen ❯❯


Deadline: 2 March 2020


Sustainability Fellowship


Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam ❯❯


Frist: 17. März 2020


PostDoc Naturschutzplanung mit Schwerpunkt Umweltvorsorge


Universität des Lebens BOKU, Wien ❯❯


Deadline: 3 May 2020


Junior Professorship


Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart ❯❯