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  ProClim Newsletter
May 2017
18th Swiss Global Change Day


On 11 April 2017, the Swiss global change science community met for the 18th time on the annual Swiss Global Change Day. About 220 participants attended the event and 70 posters were exhibited. Distinguished researchers presented scientific highlights and the program provided enough time for discussions and networking. This went hand in hand with the key messages: Be a connector and a communicator. Also, ProClim followed that principles: For the first time there was a live reporting about the event on the Twitter channel of ProClim. 

Meeting Report

News about Climate, Energy and Global Change

regularly updated news are listed at: www.proclim.ch/news


ICOS stations: Ecosystem station Davos & Atmosphere station Jungfraujoch

ICOS Switzerland is funded for the next project phase

ICOS Switzerland (Integrated Carbon Observation System), has received funding from the Swiss National Foundation for the next project phase, which aims at harmonized and long-term measurements of Europe’s greenhouse gas balance. 


Treibhausgas: Zwisch-enziele für Gebäude und Industrie erreicht

Die Treibhausgasemissionen beliefen sich 2015 auf 48,1 Millionen Tonnen CO2-Äquivalente, 0,6 Millionen Tonnen weniger als 2014. 

Teaser: Hitzewelle

Übereinkommen von Paris und verminderte Klimafolgen in der Schweiz spürbar

Für die Schweiz ist ein gemeinsames globales Handeln gegen den Klimawandel besonders wichtig, da sie vom Temperaturanstieg überdurchschnittlich stark betroffen ist. In der Schweiz fallen die Auswirkungen beim Erreichen des Pariser Zwei-Grad-Ziels deutlich geringer aus als beispielsweise in einer um drei Grad wärmeren Welt.

14. GCOS Rundtisch

14. Nationaler GCOS Rundtisch

Im Fokus der diesjährigen Veranstaltung zum Globalen Klimabeobachtungssystem (GCOS) stand die Erarbeitung der GCOS Schweiz Strategie 2017-2026.  

NDC Explorer Tool

Online tool explores countries’ climate action plans

A new interactive online tool helps countries to access and compare their priorities and ambitions related to climate action plans  

Alpandino Website

Alpandino – Free online course

Free online course on the principles of alpine plant ecology and treeline ecology.

Publications about Climate and Global Change

regularly updated publications are listed at: www.proclim.ch/publications


Hitze und Trockenheit im Sommer 2015

Hitze und Trockenheit im Sommer 2015

Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2016

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2016

EEA Report No 1/2017

The snow and glacier melt components of streamflow of the river Rhine and its tributaries considering the influence of climate change – Synthesis report

The snow and glacier melt components of streamflow of the river Rhine and its tributaries considering the influence of climate change
Synthesis Report

Projekte und Programme zur Emissionsverminderung im Inland

Projekte und Programme zur Emissionsvermin-derung im Inland
Ein Modul der Mitteilung des BAFU als Vollzugsbehörde zur CO2-Verordnung

Raumnutzung und Naturgefahren

Raumnutzung und Naturgefahren

Umsiedlung und Rückbau als Option

Financing urban adaptation to climate change

Financing urban adaptation to climate change
EEA Report No 2/2017
ProClim at EGU 2017: Insights in Communication
EGU 2017: Science Video Competition

Not least because of climate change scientists have more than ever realized how important the way of presenting scientific results is. Unfortunately, scientific communication, which is characterized by nuance and caution, often contradicts tenets of effective communication. Also we know from social science that people primarily consume news that aligns with their point of view and interests. Scientists are aware that their way of communication has to change in order to reach people on the ground. At the last week's (23-28 April) General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2017 in Vienna communication was therefore besides an endless number of other scientific presentations a major topic and posed the question: how can complex data be presented in a concise message? First of all, it is crucial to make it an individual concern. This can be achieved by creating analogies to everyday life and addressing key topics of individual and media agenda. But always bare in mind how the message could be perceived (notions of threat, risk etc). Also communication style has to be customized depending on to whom a message is directed. We have to understand what is driving people’s views. At the other end of communication, the presenter matters a lot. Enthusiasm is key. One should communicate through images and stories: Personal life stories, videos and other modern technologies evoke emotions - and should stay preferably positive. The right communication can change a lot, for our science community it is therefore crucial to acquire the skills and tools to communicate more effectively around science-based facts.  

We are wishing you good look with that and hope your messages reach your audience!

The ProClimTeam 

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