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november 2017

U Change: 2nd call for projects

The funding program U Change supports student projects and student project incubators for sustainable development. After a first application round with very inspiring projects, the next call has just been published. All necessary information is now available (in german and french) on the programme website: www.u-change.ch.

Relive the International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2017 in pictures!

@ Johanna Ochner

Did you miss a plenary session or forget some details of your favorite speech? Now, you have the opportunity to watch (again) every plenary session of the > ITD Conference 2017.
> See the videos 

And if you are slightly nostalgic of the positive atmosphere that prevailed in Lüneburg, the photo gallery, which is now available on the > Leuphana University website, may bring you back some good memories.


Team Science Glossary: soon a the second edition

The Team Science Glossary needs a rehash, with several words now gaining further definitions as the field grows. It should become a multidimensional resource that everyone can find useful and, for that, it needs your input!
Take a look at the definitions provided in the first edition at the 

> I2Insights blog and do not hesitate to leave a comment at the bottom of the blog with your alternative definitions.

> See the first edition of the Team Science Glossary

An interdisciplinary platform for daylight research

Officially launched one year ago, the Daylight Academy aims to promote international, inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation among scientists, architects and other professionals within daylight research or with a strong interest in daylight related topics. The platform is a spin-off of the > Velux Stiftung and wants to strengthen daylight research and its applications for the benefit of humanity and nature. A first publication with the title > Changing perspectives on daylight: Science, technology, and culture has just been published as a supplement to the > Science Magazine.

> Daylight Academy website

I2Insights blog

Want to know more about 'disciplinary capture' and other epistemological obstacles to interdisciplinary research? Interested in transdisciplinary bridge building, boundary objects to promote research-policy engagement, or how measurement inhibits action? Curious about the key aims of action research or how to improve promotion and tenure policies for interdisciplinary and collaborative research?

> See the latest contributions to the I2Insights blog


24 November 2017, Zurich
> saguf-Jahrestagung 2017: Gesellschaftliche Transformationen - welche Rollen für den Staat?

24 November 2017, Berlin
> Hybrid Encounters. Kunst trifft Wissenschaft: Dance & Neuroscience

1 December 2017, Bern
> Going digital in research & education partnerships: opportunities, challenges and risks

5 December 2017, Berlin
Verleihung des Forschungspreises "Transformative Wissenschaft"

9 February 2018, Bern
> SWIFCOB 18 "Ökosystemleistungen: vom wissenschaftlichen Konzept zur praktischen Anwendung"

7-10 March 2018, Geneva
Art of Participatory Leadership Workshop

22 March 2018, Fribourg
Sustainable University Day 2018 – SAVE THE DATE!

3-5 June 2018, Geneva
ECSA Conference 2018
(Deadline for proposals: 10 January 2018)

15-26 June 2018, Davos
POLAR2018 – Where the Poles come together
(New deadline for abstract submission: 12 November 2017)


Akira Schickhaus, T. (2017): Interkulturelle Literaturwissenschaft und Wissenssoziologie. Studien zu deutsch- und japanischsprachigen Texten von Yoko Tawada. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. > Read more

GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 3/2017. > Read more

Ingrisch, D., M. Mangelsdorf, and G. Dressel, eds (2017): Wissenskulturen im Dialog. Experimentalräume zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. > Read more

Lawrence, R. J. (2017): Three tasks for transdisciplinary bridge builders. I2Insights blog, 17 October. > Read more

Pohl, C. and G. Hirsch Hadorn (2017): Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research: Framework #1. GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 26(3), p. 232. > Read more

Sanders, S. and J. Oberst Eds. (2017): Changing perspectives on daylight: Science, technology, and culture. Science/AAAS, Washington, DC. > Read more

Schmutzer, M.E.A. (2017): Um-Wege zur Un-Wahrheit. Von Technikeuphorie über Wissenschaftsskepsis zur Kunst. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. > Read more

Scholz, R.W. (2017): Managing complexity: from visual perception to sustainable transitions—contributions of Brunswik’s Theory of Probabilistic Functionalism. Environment Systems and Decisions. > Read more


Scholz, R. (2017): The Normative Dimension in Transdisciplinarity, Transition Management, and Transformation Sciences: New Roles of Science and Universities in Sustainable Transitioning. Sustainability, 9(6), p. 991. > Read more

Scholz, R.W., M. Yarime, and H. Shiroyama (2017): Global leadership for social design: theoretical and educational perspectives. Sustainability Science. > Read more

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (2017): A Conflict Sensitive Approach to Field Research – Doing Any Better?. Swiss Academies Reports, 12(5). > Read more

Zscheischler, J., S. Rogga, and M. Busse (2017): The Adoption and Implementation of Transdisciplinary Research in the Field of Land-Use Science – A Comparative Case Study. Sustainability, 9(11), p. 1926. > Read more

CALL for Papers:

Mountain Research and Development: Food security and sustainable development in mountains

Submission deadline (notices of intent):
15 November 2017

> Read more

More publications

More calls for papers

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