A comparative and social history of decolonisation in Africa

->> Latsis Prize 2016
The National Latsis Prize 2016 has been awarded to Alexander Keese for his research into ethnicity, forced labour and political transitions in west and central Africa.

The Research Fairness Initiative (RFI) ->>  any feedback welcomed

RFI is a system developed by COHRED that promotes and validates fair research and innovation partnerships by encouraging institutions to self-report on their policies and practices. 

The newly developed RFI framework is now broken down in the form of three documents: the Summary Guide, the Reporting Guide and the Governance and Management Guide. The RFI Team welcomes any feedback on these documents before end of January 2017. Please kindly provide feedback to Lauranne Botti.

Researching Fairness  

->> Horizons new magazine
Horizons (produced by SNSF & Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences) explores aspects of the role of research in international development. In which projects should money be invested? How effective are these investments? And who will own the research results? In addition, it portrays some Swiss institutions doing research in this context.
Free subscription in German and French (digital version in English)

The Elsevier Foundation - TWAS Sustainability Visiting Expert Programme 

The Elsevier Foundation and TWAS have joined to create a Visiting Expert Programme in sustainability scienceThis effort is in line with the new Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030. The Programme supports visits of distinguished scientists to institutions in developing countries, especially those in the 48 LDCs. 

Deadline: 1 March 2017.