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ESNA 2014 Workshops - Register Now

Our interactive workshops will address the key aspects of grid connected energy storage. All attendees, from utilities to companies wishing to sell storage or participate in the value chain, will find ways to successfully achieve energy storage implementation.


September 30th 2014

9:00 am-12:00 pm – Morning Workshop Sessions

  • Utility Scale Energy Storage Interconnection 101/201 & Use Cases
  • Valuing Energy Storage Services in U.S. Wholesale Markets
  • Making Cents of Energy Storage
  • Exciting Financing Opportunities for Commercial/Customer Sited Energy Storage

1:00-4:00 pm - Afternoon Workshop Sessions

  • Utility Energy Storage Procurement: Bidding & Contracting
  • Exciting New Developments in Electric Vehicle Grid Integration (VGI)
  • The Evolution of Electricity Markets - From Centralized To Decentralized Systems
  • Energy Storage Systems and First Responder Safety; Who’s Responsible?

Utility Scale Energy Storage Interconnection 101/201 & Use Cases

Presented by:
Mark Higgins, Senior Director, Strategen Consulting, Senior Advisor, California Energy Storage Alliance

Resource interconnection processes have historically been designed to accommodate traditional generation resources. Storage presents unique challenges because of its ability to both charge and discharge, and because its use cases are not yet defined and may not be consistent with how generation is typically studied. This workshop will explore best practices for studying storage under existing rules, as well as potential ways to address complications in the study process due to the unique nature of storage. Examples to be discussed: CAISO, PJM, ERCOT

Valuing Energy Storage Services in U.S. Wholesale Markets

Presented by:
Judith Judson McQueeney, Director of Emerging Technologies, U.S., Customized Energy Solutions, Ltd.
Jacqueline M. DeRosa, Director of Regulatory Affairs, California, Customized Energy Solutions, Ltd.

The types of and value of ancillary services varies from one ISO to the next. This workshop will look at how ancillary services are treated throughout the US, and where storage projects have the most opportunity to capture value in the wholesale markets. Products include Frequency Regulation, Spinning Reserve, Non-Spinning Reserve, Flexible Ramping, and Frequency Response. Product characteristics, participation requirements, market size, and value will be discussed. 

Making Cents of Energy Storage

Presented by:
Mark Hardin, Director of Product Marketing, Younicos

Energy storage can be a highly technical, often confusing industry filled with inconsistent terminology and misleading metrics. Learn how to make sense of it all and gain the knowledge you need to compare energy storage technologies, costs, and basic market valuations. Topics covered include basic foundational knowledge of energy storage, matching technologies to applications, and understanding of energy storage economics. This informative session employs simple analogies and examples combined with interactive exercises to translate technical concepts into valuable commercial skills for the energy storage industry.

Exciting Financing Opportunities for Commercial/Customer Sited Energy Storage

Presented by:
Giovanni Damato, Manager, Strategen Consulting

Increasing commercial tariff demand charges, reliability concerns, incentive programs, and opening wholesale market participation to end customers are driving exciting new opportunities for commercial end use customers to utilize energy storage.

Participants Will Learn:
1. Why commercial facilities have new financial opportunities for integrating energy storage systems into their operations today
2. Where these financial benefits coming from, how they are structured, and how commercial facilities capture these new benefits
3. What the expected financial returns, critical value drivers, challenges, and potential risk mitigations are and how to capitalize on these opportunities

Utility Energy Storage Procurement: Bidding & Contracting

Presented by:
Don Liddell, General Counsel, California Energy Storage Alliance
Mike Katz, Energy Consultant, Michael Katz Energy Consulting
Chris Edgette, Senior Director, Strategen Consulting

In this highly interactive workshop, attendees will learn how the utilities evaluate utility scale grid storage cost effectiveness - for systems ranging from bulk systems to utility-controlled distributed systems. Lessons learned from California storage RFO outcomes to date and implications for bidding and contracting strategies in the coming months will be discussed. Attendees will practice and discuss ways that utilities and developers can be most successful preparing and responding to utility RFOs and negotiating energy storage agreements. The workshop will provide a detailed regulatory and policy context so that attendees understand why and how energy storage procurement will take place, and how best to provide attractive offers and close deals.

Exciting New Developments in Electric Vehicle Grid Integration (VGI)

Presented by:
Jasna Tomic, Research Director, CALSTART

How will the growing number of electric vehicles (EVs) affect the grid and in what ways can EVs interact with the grid? This workshop will review vehicle-grid integration (VGI) and the potential benefits VGI brings to the electric grid and the transportation sector. We will cover the basic principles and calculating value of VGI and review the current developments and demonstrations through case studies. Technical and policy issues related to VGI will be addressed.

The Evolution of Electricity Markets - From Centralized To Decentralized Systems

Presented by:
Peter Kelly-Detweiler, Principal, NorthBridge Partners

This workshop will address current trends and developments in U.S. power markets. It will look specifically at how electricity power markets function, and how electric generation resources are coordinated and dispatched in competitive markets. The seminar will also survey technology developments, including wind, solar, other distributed technologies, and electric vehicles, with particular attention paid to cost curves and market penetration numbers. An emphasis will be placed on the interaction between technologies - where the competition and complementarities lie - and the regulatory and public policy discussions that will affect future roll-out of energy storage technologies.

Energy Storage Systems and First Responder Safety; Who’s Responsible?

Presented by:
Kenneth Willette, Division Manager Public Fire Protection Division, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

This workshop will look at ESS from a responders point of view, identifying the risks presented during emergency incident operations as ESS facilities. Four categories of emergency incidents will be highlighted, with basic tactical operations illustrated and applied to an ESS site. Limitations of existing responder Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and knowledge base will be reviewed along with pertinent responder safety regulations and Standards. During the first breakout session, participants will learn how the automotive industry addressed the risks of electric and hybrid vehicles through a unified approach of engagement with the responder community. The second breakout session will present how ESS facility developers, installers, and maintainers can work with local responder agencies to develop site specific, pre incident plans utilizing the recommendations of NFPA 1620, Standard for Pre Incident Planning.


