January 8, 2016

Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Community Members:

Thank you to everyone who participated in last night’s high school redistricting community forum.  It was great to have so many people asking questions, sharing opinions, and communicating with the redistricting team.  It was community involvement at its very best.

It isn’t too late for you to participate.  You can learn much more about redistricting and share your opinion online.  I strongly encourage you to visit the high school redistricting page on our website by clicking here or visiting:


There’s a brief questionnaire for you to share your choice and provide direct feedback to the redistricting committee.  The questionnaire will only be available for the next few days, so I encourage you to visit the page soon.

Thank you in advance for your time and participation. 


Terry Nelsen Bouck

Cell: 406-670-7750

Check back often for updates