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december 2017

Sustainable University Day 2018

The preparations for the next Sustainable University Day are in full swing. The edition 2018 is organised in collaboration with the > Fribourg University of Teacher Education. It will take place on 22 March 2018 in Fribourg and focus on student engagement to sustainable development. Discover the first information > online (in french and german) and save the date!

International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2017: new summaries and reports

There are many possibilities to discover or rediscover topics, moments and discussions that have marked the > ITD Conference 2017. In addition to the > series of photos and the > videos, several summaries and reports about the special meetings and the plenary sessions have also been published on the Leuphana University website.
> See this documentation

The Diversity of Empathy: a documentary video

The > European Society of Literature, Science and the Arts has realised a short documentary film, using interviews of experts conducted during the > SLSAeu Conference "Empathies" 2017 at the University of Basel. The video describes the many aspects of empathy with an inter- and transdisciplinary approach.
See the video

Climanosco: Klimawissenschaften für jedermann

Climanosco ist eine in Zürich gegründete Non-Profit-Organisation und ein wachsendes Netzwerk von Klimawissenschaftlern und engagierten Individuen, die gemeinsam daran arbeiten, Klimawissenschaften für jedermann kostenlos zugänglich zu machen. Climanosco ist bis zum 31. Dezember bei Crowdfunding, um die anstehenden Projekte zu finanzieren, einschliesslich der nächsten Sammlungen kostenloser Publikationen.
> Mehr Informationen

Sustainable Development at the University of Bern

Sustainable Development (SD) cannot be determined from the top down: like others in the field of ESD, we envisage it as a democratic search, learning, and shaping process involving all of society – aimed at shaping alternative pathways. The University of Bern has a role to play in this process and supports integration of SD in teaching. Its ESD team offers a platform, provides advice, and organizes workshops. Feedback is welcome: sustainability@cde.unibe.ch.
> More information

AR+ Organizing Futures Co-lab

Action Research Plus is inviting new participants to an emerging community of inquiry/practice for those interested in supporting new ways of organizing to meet the challenges of our times. This includes facilitating transformations of our social, economic and political systems for a more sustainable future on the planet, and more democratic organizing in the contemporary work arena that bring reflection and action cycles to the work of “liberating” organizations for a more sustainable world. > More information

Team Science Education and Training on Facebook

The goal of this Facebook page is to share articles, resources, experiences and commentary relevant to teaching and training scientists and others how to work in teams. The main, but not exclusive, focus is embedding teamwork, communication, leadership and management skills into core undergraduate and postgraduate education, with particular emphasis on science students. 
> Join the conversations

I2Insights blog

Want to know why the critics of interdisciplinarity should not be ignored? Curious to know if more stakeholders are better? Or how to overcome stakeholders giving you the cold 'shoulder'? Interested in how the Innovation and Technology for Development Centre at the Technical University of Madrid addresses complex real-world problems?
> See the latest contributions to the I2Insights blog


14 December 2017, Berlin
> Hybrid Talks zum Thema "Blick & Perspektive"

25 January 2018, Berlin
> Hybrid Talks XXIX zum Thema "Intelligenz"

22 March 2018, Fribourg
Sustainable University Day 2018 – SAVE THE DATE!

7-8 Mai 2018, Graz
17th Annual STS Conference Graz 2018
Deadline for abstract submission: 19 January 2018)

21-24 May 2018, Galveston
SciTS 2018 Conference
(Submission deadlines:
5 February 2018 (for workshops)
20 March 2018 (for abstracts))

13-16 June 2018, Copenhagen
SLSAeu Green Conference
Deadline for abstract submission: 17 December 2017)

12-15 July 2018, Evanston
4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science
(Deadline for abstract submission
4 February 2018)


Blättel-Mink, B. (2017): Rezension zu "R. Defila und A. Di Giulio (eds) (2016): Transdisziplinär forschen – zwischen Ideal und gelebter Praxis. Hotspots, Geschichten, Wirkungen". Köln Z Soziol, 69(3), p. 537-540. > Read more

Bradbury, H., et al. (2017): Cooking with Action Research: Stories and Resources for Self and Community Transformation. AR+ Action Research. > Read more

Padmanabhan, M. (ed.) (2017): Transdisciplinary Research and Sustainability: Collaboration, Innovation and Transformation. Routledge Studies in Environment, Culture, and Society. London, New York: Routledge. > Read more

Schneider, F. and T. Buser (2017): Promising degrees of stakeholder interaction in research for sustainable development. Sustainability Science. > Read more

Schuck-Zöller, S., J. Cortekar, and D. Jacob (2017): Evaluating co-creation of knowledge: from quality criteria and indicators to methods. Adv. Sci. Res., 14, p. 305-312. > Read more

Sugiyama, M., et al. (2017): Unintended Side Effects of Digital Transition: Perspectives of Japanese Experts. Sustainability, 9(12), p. 2193.

> Read more

Wellman, B., et al. (2017): Fifteen Implications of Networked Scholar Research for Networked Work. International Journal of Communication, 11, p. 2062–2066. > Read more


CALLS for Papers:

Mountain Research and Development: Adaptation to Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Mountains Submission deadline for abstracts: 19 January 2018

(Full papers: 15 August 2018) > Read more

Human Ecology Review: Special Issue Uncovering the Great Indoors: transdisciplinary perspectives on indoor ecosystems and their impacts Submission deadline for abstracts: 

15 February 2018 (Final papers: 15 July 2018)
> Read more

Sustainability: Special Issue Power, Emancipation and Justice in Natural Resource Governance – Towards “Critical and Transformative Sustainability Sciences” Submission deadline for manuscripts: 

31 July 2018 > Read more

More publications

More calls for papers
> Swiss Summer School in Palliative Care Research, 22-24 August 2018, Murten
Deadline for submission of projects: 28 February 2018

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